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You can trust that your order will be quickly processed and safely delivered. We can ship products anywhere in the United States using the shipping method of your choice. When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s), shipping method selected and your shipmentâs destination. Our shipping charges are determined by the total dollar amount of your order, excluding applicable sales tax. Some products cannot be shipped to international destinations so please submit a message to us from the Contact Us page if you would like to discuss international ordering options.
Shipping will be done using UPS. During checkout you will be able to choose from a variety of UPS shipping options.
**If you are purchasing only Gift Cards we will mail them free of charge. During checkout choose the "Gift Card Shipping" at $0. For all other orders you must choose one of the UPS options.
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express
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