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STABLEMATES BENEFIT GIFT CERTIFICATE for Madison Fields Therapeutic Riding

Your Price: From $10.00 to $100.00
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Your help is needed for the Holidays and the Winter Season ahead for Madison Fields Therapeutic Riding Program (one of our  local charities)!

With the purchase of a Stablemates Benefit Gift Certificate, a 100% of amount will be donated to the charity, plus they will get bonus of a 15% discount from us to them help purchase the supplies they need for this coming winter.

We can either ship the certificate to you or deliver it to Madision Fields for you for FREE!  Thank you for considering helping!

More about Madison Fields:

Madison Fields is a project of Madison House Autism Foundation,  a national 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization based in Gaithersburg,  Maryland. The foundation was created in 2007 to address the lifespan challenges facing adults with autism.

The mission of the Equine-Assisted Activities & Therapies (EAAT) Program at Madison Fields is to improve our participant’s quality of life by fostering a nurturing and healing relationship with our therapy horses. We use the therapeutic and healing capacity of our gentle horses to improve the well-being of people of all ages with a variety of needs and diagnosis including autism, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, and traumatic brain injury. We provide both mounted and un-mounted opportunities within our program.



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